About The Breed

          The Breed:

The Bernese Mountain Dog was bred to be a companion dog, and excels best when integrated into their families’ home and lifestyle. They are one of the most enjoyable of the large breeds, are easy going, and have a quiet nature with a willingness to please. This makes the Berner a wonderful family pet. Berners are excellent with small children, tending to recognize them and quiet their actions.  Typically, the Bernese mountain dog integrates well with other family pets or livestock.  

          General Information & Appearance:

The Bernese Mountain Dog is one the 5 Swiss dog breeds. The coat is thick, jet black with rust and white markings. It can be straight or slightly wavy. Their undercoat “bunches” twice a year, otherwise the shedding is minimal.

Temperament & Training:

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known as a “soft” breed; harsh training methods such as  excessive yelling or yanking can easily break the spirit of a Berner. Their willingness to please enables them to learn quickly to the gentlest of training methods. Generally, repetition with reward and positive reinforcement is often all it takes. As a breed, Bernese are not prone to  excessive barking unless left unattended for  long periods of time. They don’t do well when kept isolated from people or activities, and require interaction. Berners should live where you are, as a part of your family. They are not “kennel dogs” and should not be tied up and left out. 


Measured at the withers:
Males range from 25”-28” and weigh 90-115 lbs.          
Females range from 23”-26” and weigh 75-90 lbs.