RiverMountains The Music Man ~

RiverMtns The Music Man "Bergen"

Date of Birth Oct. 24, 2014


Hips - GOOD

Elbows - NORMAL

Heart - NORMAL



Bergen - New Champion ~

Bergens First Major Win Shown by Wendy Oelrich

~I Love this Boy ~ Bergen Is best described as a happy goofy boy who is a ton of Fun: ) He Loves being a part of anything we do - All of which he does with great enthusiasm! Bergen Loves (Us) most of all - followed by hiking, camping, and his Very favorite thing -- Swimming! in fact Bergen is happy to play in Any kind of water!!  He plays hard but Cleans up well..

Shown in conformation he earned his AKC Championship finishing with 4 majors in just 3 days~ 

Another Major Win! shown by Wendy Oelrich

Bergen - age 3

Bergen ATV-ing! At 120 lbs he was a tight fit, but he was determined. lol

Since he loves any kind of water of course he couldnt just get a drink out of the trough..

How Bergen likes to ride